
Monday, August 5, 2013

Dougieo Howsero M.D.

Well..there it was a shinny plate of freshly sucked conchas, a kind of round shellfish found mostly in the small pools of muddy water where fresh water meets salt water, and should that not be the first clue? The common wisdom is that if when served and lemon juice is sprinkled, they should move. Life = freshness, freshness=safety...Uhm....The dish wasn't even mine. Hubby saw the black little devils move and couldn't handle it, so as the good husband I am, I ate them...Uhm....Here are the results:
I wish there were a way to add music to each photo, the first would have of course that Corona beer sound of waves crashing and seagulls chirping or squawking or whatever the hell they do while they watch you eat the poison that is going to, withing 24 hours, dehydrate you through a series of upstairs AND downstairs activities and send you to the second picture.
 Where the music changes to an ominous "Lost" kind of violin tremolo because they full mystery is not yet revealed, but let me tell you..the clues have been there..many of them, at every turn...they WON'T STOP COMING!!!!!
 Well, here the music stops cause you're so sick and dehydrated and the needle going into you hand hurt so much! However,there is a diganosis..severe infection (and will spare the details and the name of the syndrome because more than a name, it's a description of things no one needs to know about)
 This was a wonderful hospital. The doctor visited me 8 times in the 4 hours I was admitted. High quality care. The music returns to a hopeful, a better day will come theme because once they pump antibiotics right into vein, no disgusting little bug can survive. This is the Terminator of antibiotics.
 The after care. 4 pills, one of them once a day, one of them twice a day and two of them 3 times per day. No matter, though I am feeling bad that since i am not to be trusted to remember things, hubby will have to be in charge of doling out the medicine.
Just as the credits are about to roll, and just as we learned in the "Scream" series of movies, the villain either tries to get revenge before finally dying, or does somehow get to screw everyone over from the grave. The doctor says light eating for the first day (that's manageable I don't much feel like eating anyway) and no coffee for 3 days...WHAAAAT?!?! Damn you! damn you to hell!!!! This is not good! but suddenly, I realize that it's ok, because now with me not drinking cofee, hubby will suffer more pain than I suffered while being a human fountain.


  1. Poor you! Sorry you had to go through that but I'm glad you survived. Hope you're feeling better:)

  2. I am fine... all back to normal!
